Sacrifice is a gift. It is the spotless lamb, a cup of tea, a glass of wine, even your time. It is a way to thank the divine for what it has done by doing something in return. A relationship is never just about taking, it is also about giving. The injecting of testosterone into my leg is my way of thanking my divine transness. It is my way of honoring my body, its magic, and its joy. I have spent so much time harming my body in hatred, angry with its transness, and this gift, this ultimate act of love, is reconciliation. Sometimes this sacrifice to myself is painful. Sometimes I bleed. Sacrifice in ritual isn't always easy, either. Sometimes it can involve giving up something for a period of time as an act of devotion. Think of lent, where people frequently cut out sugar, alcohol, or something else they enjoy, as an act of devotion. The end result, regardless of the pain, is beyond worth it.